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Career Development

Career Development in SURF Worldwide is dedicated to enhance knowledge and learning as important tools in the career development of world’s nationals across all industrial sectors (Energy, Health, Trading, Technology, Agriculture, Civil, Education, etc.) , thus contributing to the further provision of skilled workers resources.

Main Objectives

Attract, train and prepare high school and university students to assume posts in the Global demands, SURF Worldwide, Energy, Health, Trading, Technology, Agriculture, Civil, Education and other industry sectors in general;

Support the recruitment, educational sponsorship and development of World’s nationals; Promote the educational sponsorship's for high-potential students, candidates and SURF Worldwide trainees;

Facilitate the placement, career progression and professional development for World’s nationals in line with Global and SURF Worldwide's plans;


Develop and implement the competency-based College via vocational, academic, comprehensive, accredited and professional training programs & courses in collaboration with SURF Worldwide's functional leaders and in line with the World’s strategic priorities, needs and objectives.


Deliver career development programs on effective leadership and design individual’s development plans for future SURF Worldwide leaders as well as Global leaders as part of the corporation’s Leadership Development Framework.

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